Headed West, Day 1 of our summer vacations!

Well looks like my little Angel has gotten through her first year of school, well VPK, which here in FL is Pre-Kindergarden. So on to Kindergarten for little miss Angelica!!!! She sooo loves going to school, just a matter of how long will that lasts????? That also means Cruz gets his shot at VPK next year in the same school as Angelica, which will be nice t have just one stop drop-off everyday.

The end of school also means, the start of our journey West, and here we go, on to New Mexico, although we will take our time and get there sometime next week, hopefully dodging any flood and storm delay’s as we get through Texas…..
This also marks about 8.5 weeks since mommy headed to Iwo Jima, with somewhere around 8.5 weeks to go..more or less, who knows, with the Navy you NEVER know until your actually done!!!
Sooo day 1 of the travel has come to a conclusion, making to Alabama, just over the border from Fla., and Pensacola in a very quint and cheap RV park. Good day of travel, kids behaved pretty well, except for the multiple potty breaks that involve someone from the back yelling, “I need help!” So inevitably there were more then a few stops along the way, but it worked out relatively well.
Early day tomorrow and we’ll see how far we traverse…..

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