So the kids are both on spring break this coming week (March 14-22) plus it our last real break as a family before Mama Gwen leaves to the middle east on the USS Iwo Jima.
Traffic on th way down was light and nice right until we hit US1 at the end of the Florida turnpike, then we only had mere 50 miles till our campsite at Fiesta Keys… but that 50 miles took us about 2.5 hours!!! So is the keys an on and sometimes 2 lanes of traffic.
Made it safey and happy to Fiesta Keys, afer a few normal check-in fubmbkes we got our spot on the ocean and saw a great sunset. Oh yea aftet the ride around the campsite in the golf cart wheras I was not paying attention and let poor Cruz fall out of the cart and hit the asphalt!!! fortunately its all scrapes and bruises and no ER visits!!!